Adobe Acrobat X Professional 10.0.3 RePack | 336.8 MB
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New facial appearance:
Workingwith Office 2010. Create PDF records with a single click from withinMicrosoft Office 2010 applications, counting Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Outlook, Publisher, and Access, as well as from specialized applicationssuch as Microsoft Project and Visio.
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Optimized viewing mode. Maximize your screen pro optimalreading and presentation of PDF records with the extra Reading Mode. Menusand panels disappear, and a transparent perched toolbar appears, tohelp you navigate PDF records more straightforwardly.
What has altered in version 10.0.3:
Integrated updates with the intention of get on to the first version twisted into a version 10.0.3.
Fromthe source distribution, containing English, Turkish, Russian,Ukrainian and Romanian indifferent all languages ​​except English andRussian.
The installer was uprooted Romanian sow. Provided by choosing your language: English or Russian.
Go to installer Added Box-adapted version of the menu. Made it in the image of the same menu pro Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended.
Inthe integrated installer series digit, and the Crack folder containsdetailed directions and bonus tools pro activating the curriculum.
Activation Instructions:
Run scrap crack (preferably as an administrator) and click Patch Hosts File.
Install the curriculum with sewn-in installer series digit, or Generate a series digit with scrap keygen.
Enjoy the registered version of the manufactured goods!
An alternative method (if the initially did not work):
Install the curriculum with sewn-in installer series digit, or Generate a series digit with scrap keygen.
Replacethe first gather in a line is located in amtservices.Dll \ Acrobat \ on modifiedfrom folder Crack, previously backed up the first gather in a line.
Enjoy the registered version of the manufactured goods!
SwitchingInterface Language: To exchange the language interface in the menu on theway the Edit-> Preferences ...-> World (Edit-> Preferences...-> Internetional) exchange the Language Application (ApplicationLanguage) on excellent as you start the curriculum (Choose by applicationstartup). Then restart the curriculum and in the pop-up window, excellent yourpreferred language interface.
Features RePack versions:
The authoritative Russian version!
Integrated upgrade to version 10.0.3
With installation as you initially start it asks could you repeat that? Language you rather
Manual and automatic settings to point out from
Integratedinto the installer and series digit patcher hosts gather in a line is responsiblefor updating with the intention of are disabled, in addition replaced the fileamtservices.Dll
Disabled License Agreement window in an automatic installer and excessive menus initiation and updates
Allstrongly compression archiver so with the intention of the early size of the originaldistribution was cut-rate from 564 to 327 MB. Inside check over of thisinstallation will require in this area 2 gigabytes of emancipated CD-ROM interval, 1gigabyte of which will be with it is vacant from the temporary records.
Operating System: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: English and Russian pro scale
Released: 2011
Medicine: Yes
Mirror 1:
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